Luna Zorro hosts unique 5-day, curated trips designed to capture the essence of Guatemala.
In an intimate group, we journey through the vibrant cities of Antigua and Chichicastenango on a unique itinerary that supports the local community and explores the dynamic cultures and landscapes of Guatemala.
With an emphasis on handwoven textiles, farm-to-table cuisine, and a deep connection to the land and its people, we provide an enriching and authentic travel experience.
"Traveling with a purpose creates a unique experience. With a thoughtful focal point, everything falls into place. Antigua is ideal for trips centered on the beauty, history, and significance of textiles in Guatemala.
Those who care about handwoven textiles often also value art, history, equal rights, and sustainability.
They consider their environmental impact, where their food comes from and who made their clothes.
All these elements are interconnected. By immersing in different cultures, we learn more about ourselves and our place in the world, growing and bonding with new friends over shared interests.
We are forever changed by the impression that is left when we push beyond our familiar walls and spaces."
— Molly Berry
Follow Our Adventures
We believe that life is best enjoyed at the intersection of beautiful design, strong community, good food, and positive social impact.
How we experience the world and honor culture through travel is such an empowering opportunity to grow. For design inspiration, travel tips, and special itineraries, follow our founder Molly Berry to learn more about insider favorites within Guatemala, and beyond.
Antigua Custom Map
Antigua, Guatemala, is such a special town.
People fall in love with its volcano views, temperate climate, architectural history, cultural charm, and friendly people. From the food scene to the shopping, there is so much to see and do, taste and discover. Restaurants, coffee, chocolate, quirky bars, local art, salsa dancing and live music. Check out our favorite spots.